Brand and Web Design for Environmental Company

Catalyst Website on TabletBrand ColorsCatalyst by Carbonfuture Logo

The fight against climate change can only be won if we start removing CO₂ from our atmosphere. This can be achieved through carbon sinks, a relatively new concept executed by our client carbonfuture.

At Human Deluxe, we've been working with carbonfuture for a while now, helping them create their brand, website and platform. Now, it is time to take the next step in the fight for our climate: Carbonfuture is launching Catalyst, an approach to scale carbon removal to gigatonne-level.

It’s been a huge privilege for the team to help them build the brand and website for Catalyst. Vibrant colors and the iconic carbonfuture pattern form a key visual, taking the mission for emission neutralisation to the next level.

Website DetailWebsite Section: What it offersCatalyst Key Visual

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